So its been awhile since posting.
Not that life hasn't been happening. In fact my biggest excuse for not blogging is I've just been enjoying life.
There has been a lot going on, so I don't lack for things to post about.
{Confession...I've never been consistent in writing in my journal, so I for one am not surprised by a little lack of steady commitment on this blogging thing.}
But there was that pang of guilt seeing my name at the bottom of the friends and family lists when I checked out some blogs where your name is lined up according to how recently you've posted. What little bit of competiveness there is in me said "I can't just live at the bottom of the list forever. Two months is starting to look like I'm a slacker, so for the sake of my posterity who may read this some day and my pride...its time to move on up."
I'll recap the past couple of months in photos... as soon as I can find them! Still having a few computer issues, {I'm sure it can't be me that's the problem here} but Lyle is back from Japan so I'll have him work out the bugs tonight.