~Desmond Tutu~
A few years ago, the Winterton clan decided we were all getting older, and starting to live a little more on borrowed time.
We also decided it was time to do some family bonding. The goal is to get together every other year.
This was that year and everyone made it. Considering no one lives in the same State, and the really odd ones don't even live in the same country...this is no small feat.
I am so glad everyone feels the need to enjoy a week together.
Lyle's siblings trying hard to smile for the camera.
Lt. to Rt. Patty, Lyle, Sue, Jim, Rick...missing-Lynn, the youngest. He was there, but left before we were thoughtful enough to take pictures.
This look comes much more naturally.
Lyle's siblings are very "purpose driven". They are all much happier when they are productive.
They aren't the kind to want someone to wait on them, but rather they do the waiting upon.
Lyle decided a little cabin service project would be needed (remember I said purpose driven).
He's been wanting a flag pole up at the cabin, so the men bravely went into the woods--which was conveniently 10 feet away from the back door, and cut down a dead pine tree.
It sometimes it takes a village to get the job done, but it was well worth the effort.
Old glory is up and waving. In fact she's up so high you almost need binoculars to see her.
We do allow the single nieces and nephews to crash our party. Kind of makes us feel younger knowing they want to hang out with us :)
(We're gonna miss you next time Emily!)
Bathing beauties without the bikini's...Sue, Patsy and Kris.
Patsy, giving the "don't mess with this Grandma look."
And Rick.
I have to say it was a two way tie for Best Wearing of the Cowboy Hat.
Cabin couch potatoes...Lyle and Patsy.
Due to to many memories of canoe tipping last reunion, we all piled into one big raft, stayed dry and let the men do most of the paddling.
We have a talent night that has minimal effort combined with minimal talent.
Patsy broke that tradition by upstaging the rest of us with a beautiful quilt she had made for the cabin.
I would call this floating geriatrics.
We were constantly screaming "Go slower!!" Notice there is no wake. Not bad, considering the one in the middle is in her 70's.
The macho man contest. I don't recall a winner being declared, but its obviously Lyle.
Hotties in the hot tub!lt to. rt. Patty, Patsy, Kris, and Mary
And then there's the hard part to partying...parting and saying goodbye, til 2012!
Like branches on a tree, our lives may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one." -Author Unknown