Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pressure from my kids made me do this...

This is my first official post for this blog. Eric is tutoring me, so he gets to be in the first picture.
They have been here for a week while he is on spring break.

We took off for Bozeman to visit the dinosaurs on Tues. at the Museum of the Rockies. Lillie fell asleep during the planetarium show and Carrie tried not to get motion sickness.

Lyle was sleep deprived, so he took more naps than Lillie, but I think we got our money's worth.

Carrie and I also did a couple of scrapbook pages, we think we are pretty artsy....

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Yeah! I get to be the first one to comment on your new blog. That's funny that Eric is trying to feed Lillie to the dinosaur. Some days we do feel like that!!